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The Twitter Bible: What Would Daniel Tweet?

twitter bird

What would reading the Bible be like if the human authors were inspired to write, twitter-like, only a 140 characters at a time? It would be a quicker read, for sure. But it would be a lot less interesting and inspiring, too. (You think your Bible’s dusty now?)

Picture this

A bunch of sugar-rushed junior Bible Campers are gathered around a roaring campfire, marshmallows toasting, smoking, flaming. On one side of the fire, Counselor Dusty Trails (you know, the cool one who always has to shake the hair out of his eyes) strums away on his new Gibson. The soporific tones (yeah – it’s a word) gradually induce the intended effect and the boys begin to settle down as the rising moon peeks through the pine boughs.

With a yawn, little Roger – the one with glasses – asks for a story. The other campers take up the plea, clamoring like a nest of baby robins.

“Wanna hear about this dude that got thrown into a lion pit?” Dusty asks with danger in his voice.

“Yeah!” “Cool!” “Make it scary!”

“Okay, okay. Listen up…”

Bad Guys hate Dan, say: King make idol. King: Bow. Dan: No. Bad Guys: Feed Dan to lions. King does. Dan lives. King: Feed Bad Guys to lions.

“What?” “That’s it?” “That was stupid.”

As you can see, the Twitter Bible version of Daniel and the Lions’ Den leaves a lot – too much – to the imagination. (Read Daniel 6) But please bear with me while I try again. I’ve wanted to twitterize one of my favorite passages in Scripture: Daniel’s moving prayer of confession on behalf of Israel during their exile in Babylon. I especially love this part, “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy.” (Daniel 9:18) From this verse I draw this life lesson: God never answers my prayers because I “deserve it”, but because He is merciful. God never “owes” me.

Well, here’s the Twitter version of Daniel’s whole prayer.

@lionsden Tweets:

Faithful God, We’re unfaithful. Prophets warned; we didn’t listen. You punished; we’re shamed. Hear our plea for mercy for You are merciful.

Well, that doesn’t work very well, either. So, you may want to read the original at

Previous posts in the Twitter Bible series:

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