31 Favorite Photos of 2013


The year is winding down; I hope it’s been above average for you. For Dawn and me, 2013 has been a unique combo of God’s faithful care for us along with the challenges He ordained as well.

As we look toward 2014, I hope the thought below comforts and encourages you as much as it does me:

Our lives are better off in God’s hands, no matter what He bids us endure or accomplish in His Name.

To wrap up the year I’d like to share my 31 favorite photographs of 2013.

Click the photo of Dawn holding our newest grandchild, Kjerisa, to view all 31 photos on Haikudeck.com, a free and awesome iPad or web app for presentations. The photos are high resolution so they can be viewed fullscreen.

photo of Dawn holding Kjierisa

[Dawn holding our newest grandchild, Kjerisa. iPhone. September, 2013.]

A Haiku Deck for Haley


In honor of Haley’s 20th birthday (our middle child), we’re publishing this Haiku Deck of Haley which shares a bit about what makes her special. We did it with French captions because she is currently living in Paris and it was a sort of gift to her and her host family there. (thank you Google Translate)

Haley did give us permission to share it. Enjoy!

View the Haiku Deck for Haley here.

Don’t know Haiku deck? Check these out!